I knew the play a moment before the attack, and immediately after it became a powerful and meaningful healing tool for me, through studies in body theater and psychodrama and the arts,
At the end of my studies in body theater, I put on a solo performance about the attack and between movement and movement also the point of view of the clown and the buffoon on what was ... I knew that a day would come and this performance would be more complete on stage.
For many years I focused on rehabilitating my injured body and life as usual flowed in different directions until they gathered again to the same point from a more mature perspective and I repeated the vision of raising this show knowing it is one way to touch the story, painful abysses and peaks lit by movement, sound, word, tear and laughter, and healing Where out of it, he is for all of us, me on stage and the active audience, who not only watch as on screen but live active pulsating and feeling ...
After the show there will be an opportunity to meet, share and ask.
The show is currently in the process of being worked on and is mainly (and really not only) To educational and organizing institutions.

A little about me...
Challenging to put a whole life in a few lines ...
And for one like me, words flow out of me like water in Niagara, lower the handle and the salary is broken ...
I came to this world in the present physical body at Pentecost, 40 years ago, I often feel 20 years old and more often 385 years old ...
A life full of infinite experiences and experiences that have shaped my life, and it seems to be there before (hoping that the intensity balances itself a bit with age ...;)).
I was born to nature-loving parents so for us Saturdays and holidays were opportunities for trips around the Land of Israel, my brothers and I, each in his own special way continues the path / with me the wanderings became a way of life and I expanded the borders, internal and external, trips with family and friends. Outside of Israel and my life in a movement that continues even today.
At a young age I experienced the loss of relatives and maybe that's where my doubts about the mysteries of life and their meaning began, at a young age I also began to (in my own way) realize that the educational framework (including frameworks) Various life experiences,
Some are difficult and challenging, some are beautiful and pleasant.
At the age of 18+ I first went on my own trip outside of Israel, fulfilled a dream and came to Jamaica, where out of trying to belong I realized who I am not, and from the closed prison I experienced what true freedom is and I got to experience connections that let me see people as they really are The story that everyone lives.
At the age of 20 I lived for two and a half years in Australia, India and a little in Thailand. And different beliefs and more ...
Half a year after I returned to Israel I attended a serious terrorist attack in Jerusalem in which I was fatally wounded and my life as I knew it changed completely.
I was about 2 steps away from the terrorist and everyone around me was killed, a complex traumatic experience that left me with many external and internal scars mixed with a powerful light experience. Within a few hours I became a medical miracle - the first successful surgery in the world. I was put to sleep for two months in intensive care and following the injury I experienced many years of complex physical and mental rehabilitation, I was left physically disabled and with a lot of powerful mental strength ..
The edges of light and darkness that were already inside me have expanded to the most challenging places between death and the choice in life ...
As part of the rehabilitation, I returned to theater studies and this time in "Body Theater" - physical theater consisting of, among other things, line, movement, dance and art for the issue, and created a short and exciting play about the attack (which I am currently working on to expand to a whole show. Laor), I studied psychodrama and art, dance and movement in different ways and settings, I learned (and instructed) in the "Garden Guards" organization as a way to reconnect with the ancient tribal arts, and as a way to reconnect to being an integral part of the nature that surrounds us. I continued to learn the ways of the ancient tribes and medical circles that come from the cultures of the Native Americans, from there I continued to the ways of healing the body and mind and the trauma I experienced (and others that preceded it), through studying psychodrama and art, teaching yoga, "Somatic Experience" (SE), and "Growth Accompaniment" according to Shi-Or, while continuing a great and challenging physical rehabilitation work. In recent years she has been studying, researching and engaging in dream work.
When the conventional natural medicine I treated in Israel said it was no longer possible to progress physically, I did not believe it and looked for other ways, so I found myself turning to the tribal healers in the Amazon, who have been healing for thousands of years with wonderful and powerful herbs. In order to receive healing and learn this powerful way through personal experience.
At one point I met my father and we traveled together and finally we moved to live together most of the year in Brazil.
On July 29, 2014, we became parents to Shir-Yam Loyer, a girl of light who is amazing in her outer and inner beauty that opens and expands every heart she meets along the way.
Today, Loire and I share our lives between Israel and Brazil and are varied in visiting different countries ...
Definitely challenging to put a whole and full life in a few lines,
Mostly I can say for myself that my life is an endless process of learning and healing. I learned and am learning life from life itself ...
Learns to flow and dance with all that life brings, for all the range of shades and rhythms,
Learning to dance life ...